Thought for the Week 18th April 2021

Thought for the Week. 18th April. Good morning everyone and I hope that this finds you all safe and well. I am aware that sadly some of our friends have lost loved ones recently, please know that you are cared about and in our thoughts and prayers.

Life for some seems to be slowly getting back to some sense of normality, things have opened up again and for some of us life has become quite busy. Although it’s great that we can resume doing some of the things we did before lockdown, such as work, shopping, meeting friends etc. it is easy to get back into a pattern of being a bit self-absorbed, especially if you’re busy and someone asks for a favour or help. It’s all too easy to say “oh I’ve been working x amount of days” or, “I can’t possibly help because I have to be at so and so’s and haven’t had a break, I haven’t even had time to take my coat off !”  

 I know that’s not the case for everyone, but sometimes it is so easy, to say, “Sorry, I can’t possibly fit it in.”  When in truth, it is just too much of an effort with everything else going on. Maybe we should stop and think why that person might be asking, for although we feel what is occupying us as important, it may not carry as great an importance in comparison to the reason behind the initial request.

Lord let us always try to help others when we can, not to be self-absorbed and take our selves too seriously.


On this third Sunday of Easter we continue to hear Gospel accounts of Jesus‘s appearances to his disciples following his resurrection. Today’s reading taken from the Gospel of Luke (24:36b-48) follows on from Jesus’s walk along the road to Emmaus where he appears to Cleopas and one other. He now appears to his disciples and says “Peace be with you”, in all the years of being a Christian and the many times I have shook peoples hand in fellowship and said “ peace be with you “ I am embarrassed to say I hadn’t connected it with the meeting of the disciples as written in Luke’s Gospel.

Peace is probably just what the disciples needed as they must have feared for their lives, especially after seeing their beloved Christ taken from them and crucified. They were terrified at seeing Jesus and at first, thought he was a ghost, but Jesus invites them to look and touch so they can see he is flesh and bone, to actually feel his skin and see his wounds.

As another form of the truth of his resurrection he asks them “do you have anything to eat?” (Luke 24:41)   this confirms to them that Jesus is real.  Fear must have slowly receded leaving joy and amazement.

Sharing a meal is such a lovely, fun thing to do, I’m sure many of us recall meals or dinner parties with family and friends with fondness. I have been lucky, as even in my youth and having three siblings, our house was always full of people, mum often making bacon butties for all and sundry. I remember one of my brother’s girlfriends saying to me “Julie your mother doesn’t cook, she caters! “

The meal Jesus shared with his friends reminds us of the many times in the bible when Jesus sits down to share a meal however small or large, Jesus really did cater for the masses when changing the number of loaves and fishes , but that’s another story.

When we are allowed we will all be able to share a meal, in fact the whole Christian fellowship across the world will be able to get together and share a meal of bread and wine celebrating Christ’s resurrection.

Until then take care, keep well and

 Peace be with you.



May the glory and the promise of this joyous time of year,

Bring peace and happiness to you and those you hold most dear,

May He always remind us to go that extra mile to help others and to try to follow his example,

And may Christ our risen Saviour always be there by your side,

To bless you most abundantly and be your loving guide.